Resources List
This page is a work in progress as we are working on adding more resources to this list.
A private civic organization that consists of representatives of the LGBTQ+ community working together to build a stronger, safer, and more diverse city through civic, cultural, and educational events. (About Us→)
West Texas
OUTwest Lubbock
A virtual community center for the LGBTQ+ community in the South Plains area. (Website↗)
PFLAG Lubbock
A support, education, and advocacy network for parents, families, friends, and allies of LGBTQ+ persons. PFLAG Lubbock is a local chapter of the national organization. (Facebook↗)
SPeCtra (South Plains College LGBTQIA+ and Allies Group)
A group that strives to form a strong bond between the straight and LGBTQ+ communities at South Plains College. (Facebook↗)
Project C.H.A.M.P.S.
A local program that aims to improve the quality, availability, and organization of health care and support services for individuals with HIV infections and their families. (Website↗) (806-771-0736)
Texas Tech Campus
Risk Intervention & Safety Education Office (RISE)
Focuses on prevention and wellness of TTU students. They provide educational programming and other services on Gender and Sexuality. (Website↗)
Main Campus
Campus Climate & Incident Reporting Form
If you or someone you know has experienced or witnessed discrimination or harassment related to sexual orientation and/or gender identity, you can report the incident by contacting the RISE Office. (Website↗) (Email) (806-834-1884)
Student Counseling Center
Provides confidential individual, group, and couple counseling for TTU students. Students pay for this service through their student service fee, so no session fee is required. See their website for more information on how to obtain an appointment. (Website↗)
Student Legal Services
Offers low cost legal assistance for TTU and TTUHSC students, including name and gender marker changes. (Website↗)
Tech GSA - Gender and Sexuality Association
Student organization that provides a safe environment and support network for LGBTQ+ persons and their Allies. (Facebook↗)
Student professional organization for LGBTQIA students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). (Website↗)
Law School
Student organization working on building awareness of legal issues surrounding sexual orientation and gender identity, promoting social equality and acceptance, and foster an inclusive community at the School of Law. (Facebook↗)
TTU Health Sciences Center
TTUHSC Genders & Sexualities Alliance
Student organization that provides support for the LGBTQIA community through advocacy and education geared towards eliminating healthcare disparities within our community. (Facebook↗)
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) - of Texas
Works to extend rights to segments of our population that have been denied their rights, including people of color, women, members of the LGBTQ+ persons, prisoners, and people with disabilities. (Website↗)
State & National
Asexual Visibility & Education Network (AVEN)
Hosts the world’s largest online asexual community as well as a large archive of resources on asexuality. AVEN strives to create an open, honest discussion about asexuality among sexual and asexual persons alike. (Website↗)
Children of Lesbians and Gays Everywhere (COLAGE)
A national movement of children, youth, and adults with one or more LGBTQ+ parent. (Website↗)
Equality Texas
Advocates and lobbies for the elimination of discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity/expression. This foundation also educates and engages the public about policies and their effects on Texans of all sexual orientations and gender identities/expressions. (Website↗)
LGBT Help Center & Hotline
Service providing peer-counseling, national resources, and factual information. (Website↗)
LGBT National Hotline (888-843-4564)
LGBT National Youth Talkline (800-246-7743)
LGBT National Senior Hotline (888-234-7243)
LGBT National Coming Out Support Hotline (888-688-5428)
Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network (GLSEN)
A leading national education organization focused on ensuring safe schools for all students. (Website↗)
Human Rights Campaign (HRC)
America’s largest civil rights organization working to break down voting barriers, protect reproductive rights, and achieve equality for LGBTQ+ persons. (Website↗)
Intersex Society of North America (ISNA)
An organization devoted to systemic change to end shame, secrecy, and unwanted genital surgeries for people born with anatomy that someone decided is not standard for male or female. (Website↗)
It Gets Better Project
A project whose mission is to communicate to LGBTQ+ youth around the world that it does get better, and to create and inspire the change needed to make it better for them. (Website↗)
National LGBTQ Task Force
The oldest LGBTQ advocacy group, they advance freedom, justice, and equality for LGBTQ people. (Website↗)
PFLAG (National)
A large non-profit organization that promotes the health and well-being of LGBT persons, their families and friends through support, education, and advocacy. (Website↗)
Q Christian Fellowship
Helps create safe spaces both on and offline for Christians of all denominations to make friends, ask questions, get and offer support to others. (Website↗)
Straight Spouse Network
An international organization that provides personal, confidential support and information to heterosexual spouses/partners, current or former, of LGBT mates and mixed-orientation couples for constructively resolving coming-out problems. (Website↗)
Medicine & Addiction
Currently under construction as of 05/22/23