The LubbockPRIDE Scholarship
The Power of Education
We are committed to empowering LGBTQ+ youth. This includes financial support for students who face challenges on their educational journeys.
LubbockPRIDE scholars have incredibly varied educational goals and lived experiences, and are oftentimes overcoming a lack of support system, social barriers, and significant financial need in order to pursue their dreams.
Receiving the Scholarship provides important affirmation, encouragement, and resources to achieve their dreams.

Four $500 scholarships will be awarded to four individuals—two in the Fall, two in the Spring.
Priority will be given to new applicants, but previous applicants are more than welcome to re-apply.
Applications for Fall 2025 must be submitted before 11:59 PM, April 14, 2025.
Opens February 10, 2025.
Applicant Requirements
Must be enrolled full time in a Lubbock-area public university or college (e.g., Texas Tech University, South Plains College).
GPA Minimum: 2.5 on the 4.0 scale.
Must be a high school senior or older.
Two professional letters of recommendation from non-family members (teachers, guidance counselors, mentors, workplace references, friends, community organizations, etc.), emailed directly from them to scholarships@lubbockpride.org. A third letter is encouraged but optional.
Must provide acceptance letter or proof of enrollment.
Must provide a copy of your high school or partial college/university transcript.
What school are you enrolled in or planning to enroll in? Note, applicants must be attending a local Lubbock college or university in the semester following the scholarship award date.
What is your major or planned major? Please describe why you are pursuing this degree and what you’d like to do with it in the future.
Currently, what do you believe to be the greatest challenge or issue facing the LGBTQ+ community and why? How would you address this challenge?
How are you currently engaged in the LGBTQ+ community? We understand that opportunities may be limited. If this is the case, please describe why and how you would like to be involved in the LGBTQ+ community.
Please provide a detailed list of community involvement. Heavier weight is given to LGBTQ+ involvement, but we are interested in learning about other roles, especially leadership, you may have undertaken.
Please describe a challenge you have faced and how you have overcome it. Challenges can include issues of discrimination and/or marginalization, professional issues, health issues, or more.
What do you consider to be your greatest achievement to date?
Socioeconomic questions.
Frequently Asked Questions
Our application for Fall 2025 will open February 10th, 2025 and will close at 11:59 PM on April 14, 2025.
You can apply your scholarship toward any of the following: tuition, student fees, on-campus room and board, study abroad programs.
Check are made out to your school and credited to your student account. Funds cannot be sent directly to students.
To be fair to all applicants, we are very strict on the due date. We cannot accept late applications or letters of recommendation under any circumstances.
LubbockPRIDE is not responsible for hardware malfunctions, bad internet connections, or other conditions that might prevent applicants from submitting an application on time.
Yes, absolutely. We can award scholarships to straight allies whose applications reflect a strong history of acting in support of the LGBTQ+ community.
Accommodations are available! Please contact scholarships@lubbockpride.org
A scanned copy of your transcript works great!
Students with narrative transcripts should only include the latest document.
If that doesn’t work, email admin@lubbockpride.org. You can expect a response in 24-48 business hours.